Friday, February 17, 2012

Renewed Inspiration

I am sure you are all shocked and awed, first no posts for 2 weeks and now 2 posts in one week. What can I say, when it rains it pours. :-)

I attended a talk this week by a physician here in Oregon who is truly an inspiration. All the disheartening moments I have had watching our healthcare system isolate and exclude a significant portion of the population while inadequately treating the lucky few who are not excluded, were washed away as I listened to her. She has done what everyone says is impossible to do, she has abandoned the broken system and forged her own trail. And succeeded. She practices medicine on her own terms and provides care that humanizes patients. What a concept. She is able to treat patients regardless of their ability to pay and is able to spend enough time with them to know them not only as patient #5 but as an actual person. In an article she was featured in (see link below), it was pointed out that in today's climate, spending time with patients could (sadly) be considered alternative medicine...

I still find it disheartening that so many patients and doctors continue to be trapped in the broken system, but with the knowledge that there is another way, I feel a renewed sense of hope and possibility. I really admire her work and what she stands for. I would check out this article if you are interested in getting to know her and her practice better. :-) I can not express how grateful I am for the privilege of hearing about her experience. It has provided me with some grounding and concrete goals rather than simply grasping at intimidating theoretical ideas on how I would love to practice medicine.

If you want to learn more about her, her practice, and her ideas check out her website here. Yay for inspiring people!!! :-)

By the way, to readers not based in the U.S. (yes, I am talking to all you lurkers out there ;-) I would love to hear your thoughts on healthcare. What works where you are, what doesn't?