Thursday, September 15, 2011

A Fever You Say? Good Thing I Know My Calculus, I'll Cure You In No Time...

I was never one for math.  Truthfully, anything I couldn't conceive of as being a direct benefit usually received very little attention from me.  So you better believe when I took all my math in college (nearly a DECADE ago!!!  My god, how did I get this old!!!) I couldn't give two hoots about trigonometry.  What did I care, I was never going to use it again.

Well, consider my ass bit.  I am now looking down the barrel of a very long, dark, and terrifying quarter that involves differential calculus and what I am sure will consequently include large quantities of my hair vacating my head.  As I review trigonometry to prep for my forthcoming calculus course I find myself without the vaguest recollection of what a radian is or why the hell it is even used (among many, many other things).  I mean really, degrees make much more sense.  What self important genius decided it would be fun to stump the greater populous and come up with a completely nonsensical way to measure angles?  I would like to find myself a Delorean, go back in time, and pop him one just on principle.

Besides, at what point am I going to employ calculus or trigonometry while practicing medicine?  The most I can conceive of is using basic algebra to determine dosage amounts.  I can't see radians being pertinent to that in any way...Awesome.  Ah well, I just keep reminding myself that while it wont be helpful in life, it is needed to achieve my goal which is good enough for me!

Until next time!