Saturday, July 28, 2012


My hospice patient passed away last Saturday. I had been seeing her since April. For 4 months I was a part of this woman's life. I entered her home every week and read her favorite book to her, Anne of Green Gables. I listened to her stories, of all the events that made up her life. I got to know her during one of the most vulnerable times in her life and she welcomed me with a smile each time and bid me farewell with a kiss on my hand each time I left.

Hospice is unique that way. Unlike volunteering at a soup kitchen or at your local shelter, you aren't left to wonder about the people you helped. You don't get to imagine that their life took a different turn and they are now out in the world living a full life. In hospice you know the ending. You get that phone call or that email that tells you without any uncertainty that the final chapter in this volume of their existence has been written. There is no wondering...about this life anyway.

But hospice is unique in another way as well, you get to see life and death in all it's glory, pain, and passion. You realize that death, while permanent in someways is merely a thin sheen painted over our eyes. Their memories and their energy live on in everything they did and everyone they knew. From a smile offered to a neighbor to the kind word offered to a weary stranger. Those small moments are our legacy. It is not only through our family and friends that we continue on, but through the seemingly insignificant events thy touch others and inspire them to do the same.

I am deeply touched by Mrs. P and her daughter for welcoming me into their lives and giving me the wonderful gift that was getting to know them and hopefully contributing to their lives. Thank you.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Buns of Steel...

Hello my online minions! I know it's been a while since I last blogged...what can I say, life has been busy to say the least. But never fear I am back...for now.

So, I will admit right here and now that I like workout videos. I have The Firm, Taebo, and my latest and greates, The Brazilian Butt Lift. If you aren't familiar with BBL all you need to know is that for $80 you too can have 7 workout videos with the personal trainer of a Victoria's Secret Angel. Like all workout videos, he guarantees that my body is just going to transform by the end of it all. Now I should break here and admit that my body is pretty alright all on it's own (combo of good genes-thanks mom!, good jeans, and working out) so there is never going to be this 150lb weight loss story for me. But still, who doesn't want a perkier ass?

So I ordered the videos and read the recommended schedule and eating guide that came with it. Lets just say following that guide lasted about 2 days... And amazingly my ass did not transform itself into a VS Angel ass in that time. Damn. I am out $80 and stuck with my same old ass. I know it seems silly, but just openning the videos I could feel my ass get tighter and lift. As if a new ass literally comes in every box... Sigh, if only.

You see, the lack of dedication came in when I noticed chocolate and carbs weren't in the plan. Since those two things make up 80% of my spiritual experience (the other 20% is shoes) I knew I was doomed. Who wants to give up garlic bread? Pasta? Double fudge brownie ice cream? It would be like someone telling me I had to wear ugly brown man-sandals with socks for 3 months. No way. Ain't going to happen. No amount of perkie assness will be able to make that ok (the brown sandals/sock or the lack of chocolate and carbs. Both are just wrong).

But the purchase wasn't an entire waste. I still use a few of the workouts... Or at least parts of them. I can usually be found munching on a fudge brownie during the parts of the workout I don't use... But hey, dont I get some points for sticking around and watching those parts at least?