Thursday, August 11, 2011

Matchmaker, Matchmaker...wait- what did you just ask me?!

What would you do if you were shopping one day and a woman came up and asked you, "How old are you?" Let me tell you, you probably wont end up reacting the way you'd imagine. I would know, it just happened to me.

I, being the quick to annoyance person that I am, would have figured I'd come back with a facial expression that displayed my evaluation of her sanity and a retort that turned her face red. But surprisingly, in the moment, all I could say was, "Uhhh-um- 25?"

After being peppered with questions regarding my relationship status (single), my lifestyle (non-smoker, no kids, living with a beagle and a cat), and my family ties (I am close to my family) the woman introduced herself as a matchmaker. She is a headhunter for clients paying upwards of $25,000 for her to find them their next great love...or at least someone who isn't a total gold digger. In a span of mere moments I went from thinking she was hitting on me to thinking she was a pimp.

She asked me if I were interested in meeting a client of hers who was a vineyard owner. She tells me he has a great personality and a 10-year-old son who doesn't live with him. Oh yeah, and he is 51.

I politely schooled my face and let her know that while I enjoy the company of men older than myself, I prefer them not to be old enough to be my father/grandfather/great-grandfather. She merely shrugged and told me I would be a great fit for the type of men she works with and asked for my contact info. Still a bit stunned at the surreal-ness of it all, I handed it over to her. She gave me her business card and encouraged me to go onto her website and create a profile so she can keep me in mind for other clients. I smiled and said I will check it out and with that, she was gone.

Dazed and confused I googled her business when I got home. Sure enough, she was legit. Independent reviews from various websites rave about her services. I toy with the idea of filling out a profile, it feels too much like online dating for my taste. Something I never really wanted to try, but I figured, at the very least it can be my one new thing for the week. So, who knows perhaps one day I will be writing to you about a terrific date I just went on with Bill Gates' business partner... or more likely, I will write about how I was on a date with grandpa and constantly looking to find out if he was wearing the "help I've fallen and I can't get up" alert system.