The component vectors of a coughing object (me) are Ay= .25m, 30 degrees and Ax= .5m, 45 degrees*. What is the total motion vector for that object?...Do you have the answer yet? Let me save you the trouble. The correct answer is "0". How can that be you ask (I am sure any physicist that stumbles across this posting will be driven nuts by this nonsensical physics problem. Hehehe), well it is simple really, I haven't moved from my bed in about 4 days.
An annoying cough appeared on Saturday and by Sunday night I was down for the count. Wishful me figured it was a 24 hour thing. Ha! I went to school on Monday and just about died. Called into work for Monday...then Tuesday...then Thursday (I don't work Wednesdays). I had a physics exam yesterday night and emailed my professor that morning explaining to him I might need to periodically leave the testing room (it is a closed exam- i.e. no one goes in or out after it has started) to have a coughing fit. The image of my hacking, feverish, mucus filled self must have terrified him because he requested to administer an alternative exam to me at a later date. Thank the lord for small miracles.
Today was the first day I have been out of bed and functional and being the industrious student that I am I headed straight for the books (you know, after watching the latest Iron Man movie or course...a girl has to have her priorities). And what should I find when I begin to get into studious student mode? Why, I am so glad you asked because I found nearly 50 flashcards that I created on my ipad to be incomplete. Somehow the changes were not saved and so I am now recreating the cards (on the online site then downloading them to the ipad so I can have them backed up so this can never happen again).
On top of all that loveliness, now it seems that my congestion is vacating my chest and moving up to my head...yay for not being able to see, smell, breath, or taste.
* And for all you freaks and geeks out there, I created these values from the guessimate of the decrease in height from bending my knees at a 30 degree angle and the motion of moving forward when coughing.